adoptive parent.

Making a difference starts here.

Welcome to the incredible journey of making a lasting impact in a child’s life! The first step in providing a forever family for a child featured in the Heart Gallery is partnering with a child-placing agency and completing a home study.

We understand that this process can feel overwhelming at times. As a program of Community Partners of Lubbock, Heart Gallery Panhandle Plains is here to guide you through this meaningful journey of opening your heart and home.

Support for your adoption journey.

  • Becoming a Foster Parent

    Children from all backgrounds enter the Texas foster care system, many bearing the scars of trauma. Foster parents open their homes and hearts – helping children heal, trust, and hope again. Children in care range in age from birth to 21, mostly school-aged. Most enter foster care due to abuse or neglect, while others exhibit behavioral disorders. We strive to keep sibling groups together and in their home community. Whatever their story, each child in foster care in Texas needs a safe place to stay and a family to provide for their emotional, educational, medical, and special behavioral needs.

Thinking about becoming a Heart Gallery family but aren’t sure it’s the right path for you or where to get started? We can help. Get in touch and we’ll guide you through your decision and help you find your fit in making a positive impact on kids from hard places. We’ll give you guidance, mentorship, and recommendations, and we’ll eliminate the hassle and confusion of getting started.