meet the kids

of the panhandle plains

Already licensed to adopt? Inquire about a child.
Not yet licensed? Take the next step.

Our Digital Gallery

  • Volunteer photographers capture each child’s individuality and spirit in a powerful image that helps share their story. One photo can change everything by engaging coordinated local community networks to connect the child with families and advocates.  

  • Heart Galleries display beautifully captured professional portraits to connect children whose parental rights have been terminated with adults, friends and communities who support and celebrate them, including potential adoptive families. These connections are especially critical for teens, sibling groups, and children with higher medical needs.

    But it’s not just about the photo. The foundation of this approach is collaboration and success centers around communities working together to collectively wrap their arms around children and build permanency through strong relationships.

  • With a decade-long demonstrated track record of success in Central Texas, the 88th Texas Legislative session committed to statewide expansion of this model to help every waiting child in Texas find a caring family. Working out of the Moritz Center for Societal Impact at the Steve Hicks School of Social Work and in partnership with the Texas Center for Child and Family Studies, we’re rolling out an aligned, collaborative, community-based approach to establishing and supporting Heart Gallery programs statewide

Next Steps

If you are interested in more information about a child seen on Heart Gallery of the Panhandle Plains, please have your family worker submit your approved adoption home study to: with the child's name in the email subject line.

If you do not have an approved adoption home study, the first step is to complete licensing to become an adoptive home with a local foster care agency.
You can attend one of St. Francis Ministries monthly information meetings by registering below:

Lubbock area meetings - Second Thursday of each month:
Amarillo area meetings - Third Thursday of each month:

If you have any additional questions, or need further information, please contact Aimee Paquette at (806)477-0229 or by email at:

Thank you for your interest in opening your hearts and home to children waiting on a forever family!

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